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How to save $$ like this?!

November 6th, 2006 at 02:12 am

Erm....wanna state down my monthly fix expenses.....

1. Parent RM200
2. Rental RM210
3. Car Pool Petrol & Tol RM130
4. Yoga & Dancing class RM100
5. Insurance RM75
6. Mobile Phone RM30
7. Meal RM300
8. Contact Lens RM25
9. others RM200
10.Entertainment RM50

Total = RM1320
Income = RM2000
Balance = RM680

But then....many months i didn't save a single cent come?! *sigh

P/S: Long time didn't pay my study loan RM200/month(20 years loan)...should add-in...then my balance is RM480 now.... RM480 = 24% of target = every month save 25% of my salary...sounds okay right? hmmm.....gambateh!!!

8 Responses to “How to save $$ like this?!”

  1. yummy64 Says:

    I am wondering if you have some wiggle room on the food? How much is groceries and how much is eating out?

  2. ifeel100 Says:

    Try 2 mk it up to 30% of ur salary & paybck ur study loan 1st, instead of saving a/c. Altot it cn pay w/in 10 years period, but faster get out of debt wil feel better Smile
    24k (included interest) - 800 (paybck) = RM23,200
    U ned 3 years 2 pay it bck... tt's was the faster way, Im sure u wont wanna drag until 10 years rtie?!

    *Remember keep 3 months of emergency fund too (RM4K) All da best 2 u~

  3. neverland Says:

    hahaa....i seldom spend on grocery....mayb 1 month RM50, i put it as others expenses.....& oppsss i hv mk 1 study loan = 10 years pay bck time not 20 years hehee....

  4. yummy64 Says:

    you show meals as RM300 - if you only spend RM50 on groceries- do you eat out all the time? If so maybe try to eat out less and eat at home or bring your lunch/dinner more. It will make a huge difference financially.

  5. neverland Says:

    hmmm....i hope i can but sounds weird if i bring my own lunch box to office hehee.......& my dinner already included in my Rental, great right? So maybe i should eat less for my breakfast & breakfast normally cost me about RM1-RM1.50 only, my lunch cost me much, about RM6-RM8....shouldn't order drinks next time i think hahaaa....

  6. baselle Says:

    well you've got your fixed expenses - what about your unfixed ones? I find that I can spend money easily without thinking about it. You probably should track those, too for a couple of months...Smile
    Also, why not have yourself as a fixed line item? Pay yourself 50RM or 100RM in a savings account and keep yourself from dipping into it.

  7. PRICEPLUS Says:

    I agree with baselle! Keep up the work and you'll be financially successful!Smile

  8. neverland Says:

    haha tks for ur advice baselle....actually i planned to invest RM100 every month in Mutual Fund...but end up till now still haven't invest a single cent into it Stick Out Tongue...will try my best next month coz this month hv to pay back credit card RM1.5K Stick Out Tongue dying~

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