Home > save $$ today....but then...

save $$ today....but then...

November 7th, 2006 at 09:37 am

hey hey i've save $$ today:

Breakfast = RM1
Lunch = RM3.50 (Didn't order drink today hehe)
total = RM4.50 only

Now drinking cereal as later hv to go yoga for dinner at home Stick Out Tongue

But then....after yoga class got date for movie....will use my Ikea CC coz got rebate, only RM6/ticket...2 tickets for RM12..hmmm...nevermind right? hehe...Big Grin

Felt abit heartbreak just nowFrown coz pay back the CC RM1.5k.....*sob sob....

3 Responses to “save $$ today....but then...”

  1. sarah Says:

    It sounds like you are on the right chanced.

    I am curious what currency does RM represent.

  2. neverland Says:


    USD1 = RM3.67 if not mistaken...

  3. ifeel100 Says:

    Yup, tt's mean a movie ticket only cost USD 1.6
    Bt average our salary was around USD 700/month.

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