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Archive for November, 2006

Spending $$

November 10th, 2006 at 09:31 am

hmm ytday went Ikea bought stuff for Kelly's new a gift for her...spent RM182, RM33 was buying my own stuff...Pillow & Decoration...& RM149 for Kelly, side table RM45 + Arm Chair RM89 + cussion RM15...hmmm...$$ gone Frown

save $$ today....but then...

November 7th, 2006 at 09:37 am

hey hey i've save $$ today:

Breakfast = RM1
Lunch = RM3.50 (Didn't order drink today hehe)
total = RM4.50 only

Now drinking cereal as later hv to go yoga for dinner at home Stick Out Tongue

But then....after yoga class got date for movie....will use my Ikea CC coz got rebate, only RM6/ticket...2 tickets for RM12..hmmm...nevermind right? hehe...Big Grin

Felt abit heartbreak just nowFrown coz pay back the CC RM1.5k.....*sob sob....

How to save $$ like this?!

November 6th, 2006 at 02:12 am

Erm....wanna state down my monthly fix expenses.....

1. Parent RM200
2. Rental RM210
3. Car Pool Petrol & Tol RM130
4. Yoga & Dancing class RM100
5. Insurance RM75
6. Mobile Phone RM30
7. Meal RM300
8. Contact Lens RM25
9. others RM200
10.Entertainment RM50

Total = RM1320
Income = RM2000
Balance = RM680

But then....many months i didn't save a single cent come?! *sigh

P/S: Long time didn't pay my study loan RM200/month(20 years loan)...should add-in...then my balance is RM480 now.... RM480 = 24% of target = every month save 25% of my salary...sounds okay right? hmmm.....gambateh!!!

My personal finance blog?!

November 3rd, 2006 at 07:18 am

Actually js wanna try it out wat is this haha.....